When you arrive at a California prison, there is suppose to be a certain time that you are on the "reception" yard for observation before going into "general population". It may be up to six weeks. If you want to get there any sooner you can "protest". I protested about a pencil. You get a pencil that is no longer than 2 inches. If you lose it, too bad! I started a petition that was confiscated by a guard (excuse me, Correctional Officer).
Women narcotic users have scars all over their legs. It groutesque. We are not allowed to cuff up our knee high shorts for fear that it will arouse the guards. You have to treasure your tooth brush as if it were the last thing on earth. If you are too pretty, other women inmates might lower yourself esteem and humble your pride when you find out that it was dipped in a toilet infected of hepititous and HIV infected, not to mention the tuberculous risk. You may not take your toothbrush with you at "chow" time.
During your menstrual, after waiting in long lines, you may only have a few hygiene supplies. It doesn't matter if you are a heavy bleeder, if you stack up on alot, the guards will raid your room. If you place your dirty laundry under your mattress, an inmate can snatch it and throw it all over the room.
"Women inmates don't unite in support until it is too late. That is why they don't have better conditions during incarceration like the men do. Their motto is, 'Do the crime, pay the time!' My motto is, 'Violate the Constitution. Pay the big $$$$$!' "-Kini-
A gigantic black "lady" was jumping all over my bed making cigarette gestures for tobacco sales to other inmates across the hall. She could because when you are small like me, people in and out of prison love to prey on you. People prey on little people by nature. Inmates were allowed outside for only two hours a day. The rest of the time was spent with ten women cramped in over-crowded cells smoking all day and night. I did not smoke at all so I was having allergic reactions. My body rejected the toxins in the second hand smoke and when I went to the bathroom, I stunk up the room. The inmates would beat the daylights out of me for this.
To learn more about Human Trafficking in the United States. Please go to: Equestrian Travel Mall and Legal Services.
When I told the "lady" to stop jumping all over my bed, she yelled out the window that I was going to slit my wrist. The guards pulled me out of the room to talk to me. The inmate somehow possessed razor blades that she planted under my bed. This evidence put me in a suicide holding cell, naked, with a little hole in the ground. The lights stayed on all night.
After I survived the holding cell I was transferred to the "general population" where I persisted to file federal claims under the Eighth Amendment of cruel and unusual punishment for the second hand smoke. By this time I was crippled over from what the inmates had done to me and I was unable to "program". The correctional officers placed me in a cell with and for "Lifers" who wouldn't "program". The cell was at the end of a hallway where guards couldn't hear me screaming.
When I was able to get out for an hour outside on the yard, I managed to get a job at the law library. I received an excellent job review and was doing okay at where I was at. Two days after, the claims and law suits that I filed in Sacramento on two counts of Eighth Amendment, cruel and unusual punishment, got back to the correctional facilities. The correctional officers than came to the law library and escorted me to a psychiatrist. The guards locked me in the room with this guy that had a purple polka dotted bow tie and a pin striped shirt. Little beads of sweat protruded from his upper lip. Dr. Creepy told me that I would be transferred to a mental institution.
To learn more about Human Trafficking in the United States. Please go to: Equestrian Travel Mall and Legal Services.
At the mental institution a Dr. found that he would keep me so that I wouldn't be so roughed up in general population. Most of the inmates were over medicated on psychotropic meds so they wandered around like zombies. At night when the Doctors went home, you were at the mercy of the guards. During shower time, the guards would let women shower with no privacy. There were no doors on the shower, only rails. The women were in such a state that they did realize the the guards could peer up into their private parts from their guard station downstairs. When it came my time to shower, I placed towels on the rails to give me privacy. This continued for a couple of weeks until a guard noticed and yelled on the top of his lungs for me to take the towels down. He then stomped up the stairs to punish me. After that I wore my shorts to take a shower in.
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Consolidated at the Federal Level of the Court Of Appeal In The Ninth Circuit By Kini Cosma.
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