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Aggravated Relational Aggression Using Police Perpetrated Violence

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Can I Have Your Horses When You Go To Prison?

Once you've been slandered and libeled as a sex offender and stalker, you're in the worst of two evils: Criminalization and Psychotic. If you are a thief, burglar, robber, drug addict, alcoholic... you have more credibility to the police if you are a witness to or experience a crime.

As a stalker and sex offender your credibility will not count at all. If you are a witness to or experience a crime, turn your back and plug your ears because any testimony you give will turn attention on you and you will become the target to focus on. It will be extremely difficult because a conviction of stalking enhanced with sex offending will wipe out everything you've worked very hard for all your life and it will wipe out your family and friends: Past and present.

I guarantee you, the world will ignore you as if you are dead. Day by day, the opportunists trickle in. I had a degree in the science of the Administration of Justice before my degree was permanently invalidated by the crime of stalking enhanced with sex offenses. I first noticed how my work was plagiarized when my former husbands' attorney used my legal work to gain custody of our two sons. I battled very hard, but with these kinds of offenses you don't stand a chance at all.

When I was first convicted and sent to prison in 1998, the only stalking cases you heard of was the hardcore Night Stalker, Rebecca Shaffer, and a few of the more gruesome. But, today they make light of, by using the media industry: movie production and TV shows as entertainment to what appears to be from the basis of my very claims. There might be a few twists here and there, but the foundation comes after I had sent countless reports, letters, and other legal documents throughout the U.S. since 1998 screaming 911 and proclaiming my innocence. To date, no one has helped me. And, if and when they do, it will be in ways that you do not want.

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When You Go Back To Prison, Can

I Have Your Vehicles?

Speaking as a female stalker and sex offender, running from city to city will become a fact of life. The U.S. Government has been authorized to choke the life out of me. I was exiled to different parts of California until they illegally suspended my driver's license (Many people speculate this action was to prevent me from stalking other females). This illegal action was the coup de grace that ran me out of California.

When California officials traveled to Oregon to subject me to more of their evil, I realized the harassment was never going to stop. Today, I remain the focus of their target where I am being directly and indirectly subjected to more harassment and isolation because I am a Lesbian and I don't want to have to be dependent on and service American men. Regardless of my three invalidated, extraordinary and unique, resumes , U.S. Government officials are more bent on trying to cripple me and cause my early death than giving me the opportunity to regain my life.

The U.S. Government Steals All Of

Your Financial Resources So That

You Are Unable To Prove Your


They know they are harassing you. You know they are harassing you. And, they know you know they are harassing you. But, if you try to tell someone else, that person thinks you are crazy. This is exactly the place where the U.S. Government wants you to be.

When You Go Back To Prison, Can

I Have All Of Your Tools?

The contempt, hatred, and distrust builds up and you think everyone is using you as their butt of a joke. You don't want to listen to anyone anymore because if you do, it will always lead to disaster.

In the five years I have now lived in Oregon, I met one gay man who was like a savior to me. He allowed me to move my horses on to his property. He never judged me, never sexually harassed me, and was sensitive and caring. His little existence brightened up my life and reduced the dysfunctions. I loved doing work around his home and making his little house delightful. Since I love being outdoors, he gave me the run of his yard.

In the summer of 2007, my gay male friend let me fix up a little cabin on his property and move in. To respect his privacy, he let me use the bathroom and the kitchen in the main house.

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One day, I came in to use the bathroom and saw his soiled clothing on the bathroom floor. My friend was not sitting in the chair he had basically lived in but was in the master bedroom. I yelled out in the hallway that I was not going to clean up his soiled clothing in the bathroom. Because of the distrust the State of California placed me in, I thought he was pulling a mean joke. I didn't know what to do, so I made a half-way call to 911 and hung-up. The Oregon police showed up anyway and they spent 10-15 minutes rattling my cage. Finally, the police banged on the main house door and when my friend finally answered, my friend stuck his head out the door. The police asked if he was okay. He said yes. And, that was it. The police had not even given him a minute of their time. I went on a labor strike and the core of my soul hardened up because my friend forced me to call the police.

A week later, I found my only male gay friend dead. I do not attribute or blame this misfortune on the Oregon police. Rather, I place it in the hands of California. For if the distrust and contempt I hold of the U.S. Government was not so extreme, my credibility may have been recognized and the hardness and callousness of my soul softened. If the U.S. Federal Courts would have complied with the U.S. Constitution and State and Federal bedrock basic law, my only little, beautiful, gay, male friend might be alive today.

Tell Congress To Make The DOJ Abide By Mandatory Guidelines

Partial Correspondence Received From A Few Agencies. (PDF File)

Data Charting logs, postage envelopes, postage receipts available per subpoena.

Key Words: plagiarize, copyright, plagiary, plagiarism, flouting, intellectual property, infringement,


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